3 min read

Mintzberg on Management: Summary

Everything you need to know about Henry Mintzberg's Mintzberg on Management, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Mintzberg on Management by Henry Mintzberg in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Mintzberg on Management by Henry Mintzberg
Mintzberg on Management is an authoritative book by Henry Mintzberg that provides an insightful analysis of managerial work, offering a unique perspective on the roles and responsibilities of managers. It explores five essential managerial functions: interpersonal, informational, decisional, and leadership roles. It also focuses on the importance of strategy formation and implementation. Additionally, it offers practical advice for achieving effective management practices and discusses how to create a successful organizational culture.

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Mintzberg on Management: Key Points

  1. Management is an extremely complex and nuanced process, and managers must be able to effectively manage the many variables involved.
  2. Managers must possess a wide range of skills in order to be successful, including technical, conceptual, interpersonal and political.
  3. Managers must be able to recognize patterns in their environment and use them to make decisions quickly and decisively.
  4. Managers should take a holistic approach when making decisions, considering the implications for all stakeholders involved.
  5. Managers should focus on developing their team members, as this will lead to better performance overall.
  6. Managers should strive to create an environment of trust and collaboration within their organization.
  7. Managers must learn to balance the conflicting demands of organizational efficiency and effectiveness with employee satisfaction and motivation.

What to say about Mintzberg on Management

  • Mintzberg's insights on management are invaluable; they provide a comprehensive view of the various roles and responsibilities of a successful manager.
  • His concept of ‘managerial work’ highlights the responsibility of managers to effectively coordinate and manage resources in order to achieve objectives.
  • I find his focus on the importance of leadership, team-building and communication particularly inspiring.
  • His emphasis on ‘interactive management’ shows us how effective managers can create meaningful relationships with their subordinates.
  • Mintzberg's theories have been incredibly influential in the field of management, providing a valuable framework for understanding organizational behavior.
  • His work emphasizes the need for flexibility and adaptability in order to be successful in today’s dynamic business environment.
  • Mintzberg's idea of ‘strategic windows’ helps us to recognize opportunities for strategic planning and decision making in our organizations.
  • I appreciate his insight that managers should strive to create an environment where innovation is encouraged and productivity is optimized.
  • His notion that 'all management is not just one thing' emphasizes the importance of understanding the different aspects of management in order to be successful in any area.
  • Mintzberg's ideas on management provide managers with an essential toolkit for navigating complex situations and achieving desired outcomes.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Mintzberg on Management

  • Just read Henry Mintzberg's book on Management and it is full of wisdom and insight on how to be a successful leader - highly recommend! #MintzbergOnManagement
  • Learned so much from Henry Mintzberg's book on Management - essential reading for anyone hoping to lead teams and organizations successfully! #MintzbergOnManagement
  • “The greatest leaders don't just lead, they guide” - great quote from Henry Mintzberg's book on Management! #MintzbergOnManagement
  • Being a leader isn't easy - but Henry Mintzberg's book on Management provides invaluable guidance and advice! #MintzbergOnManagement
  • Essential reading for anyone looking to build a successful career in management - Henry Mintzberg's book on Management! #MintzbergOnManagement

Top 5 Quotes from Mintzberg on Management

  1. "Management is not a science; it’s an art."
  2. "Leaders don't force people to follow - they invite them on a journey."
  3. "The manager does things right, the leader does the right thing."
  4. "It’s not about having authority but about taking responsibility."
  5. "Management is about arranging and telling, leading is about inspiring and enhancing."

Other books by Henry Mintzberg

  • The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • Managing
  • Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour Through the Wilds of Strategic Management
  • The Structuring of Organizations
  • Mintzberg on Management: Reflections on the World of Strategic Leadership
  • The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases
  • Leadership
  • Rounding Out the Manager's Job
  • Crafting Strategy
  • Managers Not MBAs: A Hard Look at the Soft Practice of Managing and Management Development
  • Beyond Strategy: The Leader's Role in Successful Implementation
  • Seeing Through the Numbers: Understanding Business in the 21st Century

Did you know?


Henry Mintzberg's book on Management was the first to challenge the popular notion that management could be taught through a series of scientific steps.