3 min read

Measure What Matters: Summary

Everything you need to know about John E. Doerr's Measure What Matters, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Measure What Matters by John E. Doerr in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Measure What Matters by John E. Doerr
Measure What Matters is a book by John E. Doerr that outlines the importance of setting specific and measurable objectives and key results (OKRs) to ensure success in any venture. The book provides insight on how to align company objectives with individual goals, creating a framework for transparency, clear communication between teams, and greater accountability. It also offers tips on how to create an effective OKR system, measure progress, and adjust goals as needed. Ultimately, Doerr argues that setting measurable objectives is essential to achieving both short-term and long-term success.

Want to know more?

Measure What Matters: Key Points

  1. OKRs (Objectives and Key Results are a framework for setting, communicating, and tracking ambitious goals. It is based on the idea of setting measurable objectives with specific key results that track progress toward these objectives.
  2. Set clear and measurable objectives that are ambitious but achievable.
  3. Choose the right key results to measure progress towards each objective and make sure they are quantifiable, actionable, and time-bound.
  4. Regularly review progress against OKRs to ensure everyone is on track and making progress.
  5. Celebrate successes when objectives are achieved to keep motivation high.
  6. Use data to drive decisions and course correct as needed in response to changing conditions or unexpected events.
  7. Make sure everyone at the organization understands the importance of OKRs and how they tie into strategy, culture, and overall success of the business.

What to say about Measure What Matters

  • Measure What Matters is a must-read for any leader looking to get the most out of their team.
  • John E. Doerr's insight into goal setting and tracking makes Measure What Matters an invaluable resource.
  • Measure What Matters provides a comprehensive guide to not only setting measurable goals, but also tracking progress towards them.
  • With practical advice and inspiring stories, Measure What Matters is an inspiring read for those looking to maximize their efficiency and productivity.
  • Measure What Matters provides a unique approach to goal setting by utilizing both Objectives and Key Results (OKRs as a measure of success.
  • The accessible language used in Measure What Matters makes it easily digestible for all audiences.
  • Reading Measure What Matters will allow you to develop an effective system for measuring progress and success that can be replicated across multiple teams and organizations.
  • Utilizing OKRs as outlined in Measure What Matters can help leaders gain greater clarity on what needs to be accomplished and how best to go about achieving it.
  • Through his book, John E Doerr has provided an invaluable resource for anyone looking to achieve greater success within their organization or team.
  • By emphasizing feedback loops, goal setting, and tracking progress, Measure What Matters offers a comprehensive roadmap to success that any leader should consider implementing in their own organization or team.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Measure What Matters

  • "Just finished reading Measure What Matters by John E. Doerr and it was incredibly inspiring! If you're looking for helpful guidance on setting objectives and key results, I highly recommend this book!" #MeasureWhatMatters #ObjectivesAndKeyResults
  • "John E Doerr's Measure What Matters is a must read for anyone looking to set meaningful goals and track their progress to success. A great resource for entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders of all levels!" #MeasureWhatMatters #Leadership
  • "In Measure What Matters, John E Doerr provides powerful insights into setting objectives and key results to drive progress and growth. Highly recommend this book for any professional looking to get ahead!" #ObjectivesAndKeyResults #Growth
  • "Measure What Matters by John E Doerr is the perfect guide for anyone looking to measure their success in both career and life. A must read if you're serious about achieving your goals!" #Goals #Achievement
  • "If you're looking for a great guide to help you track your performance and hit your targets, pick up a copy of Measure What Matters by John E Doerr - it's too good to miss!" #PerformanceTracking #Targets

Top 5 Quotes from Measure What Matters

  1. "The goal is not to do more but to achieve more."
  2. "Your team will rise or fall to the level of your ambition."
  3. "Leaders set ambitious goals, and then relentlessly drive themselves and their teams to meet them. That's the essence of OKRs."
  4. "Ambitious goals force teams to stretch and focus on what matters most."
  5. "It's easy to talk about big dreams, but much harder to make them come true."

Other books by John E. Doerr

  • The Entrepeneur's Guide to Raising Capital
  • The Power of Productivity: Wealth, Poverty and the Threat to Global Stability
  • Inside Intel: Andy Grove and the Rise of the World's Most Powerful Chip Company
  • Life by Design: An Entrepreneur's Journey of Success, Failure and Renewal
  • The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail

Did you know?


Measure What Matters encourages readers to use the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) framework to set challenging but achievable goals. This framework has been used by companies such as Google, Intel, LinkedIn, and Uber.