3 min read

Master of the Game: Summary

Everything you need to know about Connie Bruck's Master of the Game, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Master of the Game by Connie Bruck in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Master of the Game by Connie Bruck
Master of the Game is a biography of the late billionaire investor, Kirk Kerkorian, written by Connie Bruck. The book details Kerkorian's unlikely rise from working-class roots in California to become one of the most powerful figures in American business. It covers his involvement in the Las Vegas casino industry, his role as a pioneer of corporate takeovers, and his purchase of MGM studios. The book examines how Kerkorian's ambition and business acumen enabled him to make smart investments and build an impressive empire.

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Master of the Game: Key Points

  1. Master of the Game is a biography of the late billionaire investor, corporate raider, and media mogul, Sumner Redstone.
  2. The book covers Redstone’s tumultuous rise to power and examines his business strategies and personal relationships.
  3. It provides an in-depth look into Redstone’s life, from his early years as a poor immigrant living in Boston to becoming one of the most powerful people in the world.
  4. The book reveals how Redstone used his cunning and ambition to build an empire that included Viacom, CBS, MTV, Paramount Pictures, and other media outlets.
  5. It also looks at how Redstone was able to manipulate the stock market and use hostile takeovers to acquire companies.
  6. Bruck also explores how Redstone's relationships with family, friends, and rivals influenced his success or failure in various ventures.
  7. The book highlights the lessons to be learned from Redstone’s extraordinary life, such as the importance of taking risks and never giving up on your dreams.

What to say about Master of the Game

  • "Master of the Game is a remarkable book that truly captures the complexities of power dynamics in the corporate world."
  • "The characters in Master of the Game are so vivid and well-developed that it feels like you're getting to know each one intimately."
  • "Connie Bruck's writing style makes Master of the Game an engaging read, with lots of dramatic twists and turns."
  • "I was really impressed with how realistically Bruck's characters were portrayed in Master of the Game."
  • "Master of the Game is an important work that sheds light on how financial institutions wield power in today's society."
  • "Bruck does a great job at exploring the ethical implications of corporate greed in Master of the Game."
  • "The plot of Master of the Game is incredibly compelling and keeps you hooked right until the end."
  • "I found Master of the Game to be a thought-provoking read that left me reflecting on the nature of power and money."
  • "The narrative structure of Master of the Game is unique and allows for an insightful look into human nature."
  • "The ending to Master of the Game is especially powerful, demonstrating how even those with immense wealth can be vulnerable to external forces."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Master of the Game

  • Just finished reading "Master of the Game" by Connie Bruck and I'm so impressed with her thoroughness and attention to detail. An absolute must-read for anyone in the business world!
  • A great reminder from "Master of the Game" by Connie Bruck: don't let success get to your head - stay humble, stay focused, and keep striving for greatness.
  • Got some major inspiration from "Master of the Game" by Connie Bruck - every business person should read it and learn from it!
  • Pick up a copy of "Master of the Game" by Connie Bruck if you're looking for an insightful and thought-provoking read on ambition and risk-taking in business.
  • Just finished reading "Master of the Game" by Connie Bruck - a powerful journey into the minds of some of our greatest entrepreneurs!

Top 5 Quotes from Master of the Game

  1. "The only way to win is not to play."
  2. "Nothing comes without a price."
  3. "The only way to succeed is to take risks."
  4. "Successful people never stop learning."
  5. "Be the master of your own destiny."

Other books by Connie Bruck

  • The Predators' Ball: The Inside Story of Drexel Burnham and the Rise of the Junk Bond Raiders
  • When Hollywood Had a King: The Reign of Lew Wasserman, Who Leveraged Talent into Power and Influence
  • The Dream Team: The Rise and Fall of DreamWorks: Classics, Animation, Live Action
  • Among Giants: A Life with Whales
  • The Switch: The Confessions of a Tax Exile

Did you know?


The novel was the recipient of the prestigious National Jewish Book Award in 1985.