3 min read

Make Time: Summary

Everything you need to know about Jake Knapp's Make Time, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Make Time by Jake Knapp in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Make Time by Jake Knapp
Make Time is a book written by Jake Knapp that helps readers make the most of their time by taking advantage of simple techniques to help focus attention on what truly matters. The book outlines four key steps to finding meaningful focus, including highlighting: using the "Highlight" technique to identify what's important and prioritize it; energize: using breaks and small changes to maintain energy throughout the day; reflect: creating space for reflection and learning from mistakes; and connect: building meaningful relationships with others. With these strategies, readers can create more meaningful and productive days.

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Make Time: Key Points

  1. Identify your "High-Leverage" activities that will have the greatest impact on your goals and focus on those.
  2. Break down big tasks into smaller, achievable steps.
  3. Schedule in time for rest as well as work.
  4. Commit to a plan, but don’t be afraid to adjust when needed.
  5. Set yourself up for success by minimizing distractions and creating a supportive environment.
  6. Prioritize activities that will help you reach your long-term goals, even if they are not always the most enjoyable or exciting tasks.
  7. Make sure to reward yourself for accomplishments along the way.

What to say about Make Time

  • "I've recently read Make Time by Jake Knapp, and the strategies it outlines have really resonated with me."
  • "Make Time provides a great framework to help prioritize and stay focused on the tasks that are most important."
  • "The ideas in Make Time have been invaluable to helping me stay productive and more mindful of my time management."
  • "The book's concept of 'Make Time' highlights the importance of dedicating specific periods of time for meaningful work and creative endeavors."
  • "Make Time has helped me become more aware of how I'm spending my time, and make adjustments accordingly."
  • "Make Time is an inspiring read that emphasizes the need to set aside time for activities that bring us joy and fulfillment."
  • "I've found that many of the strategies outlined in Make Time can be applied to both my professional and personal life."
  • "Make Time provides helpful suggestions on how to structure one's day in order to maximize productivity and efficiency."
  • "Jake Knapp's Make Time shines a light on the importance of carving out moments for yourself, even if it's just 10 minutes at a time."
  • "Reading Make Time has encouraged me to be more mindful about how I use my time, so I can make the most out of each day."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Make Time

  • "Just finished reading Make Time by Jake Knapp and it's packed full of actionable tips to help us make the most of our days! Highly recommend it for anyone looking to increase their productivity and focus on what matters."
  • "Having trouble carving out time to focus and prioritize your goals? Make Time by Jake Knapp is a must read! It offers tangible advice on how to create more meaningful moments in your day."
  • "If you're feeling overwhelmed and need help simplifying your life, I've found Make Time by Jake Knapp to be an invaluable resource. His strategies for improving efficiency and effectiveness are truly inspiring!"
  • "Make Time by Jake Knapp has given me the tools I need to stay focused and productive without sacrificing my quality of life. Highly recommend this book if you're looking for ways to better manage your time."
  • "Make Time by Jake Knapp is an absolute game changer! His simple yet effective strategies have helped me find the balance I need between work and play. Highly recommend it!"

Top 5 Quotes from Make Time

  1. "Focus on what matters, ruthlessly ignore the rest."
  2. "The secret to getting more done isn’t working longer—it’s working smarter and making better use of your time."
  3. "You won't get more time, but you can make more time."
  4. "You have to make the decision to be intentional about how you spend your time."
  5. "Highlight the important stuff, and blur the background noise."

Other books by Jake Knapp

  • Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days

Did you know?


Make Time is the first book by Jake Knapp, a former Google Ventures design partner and creator of the Design Sprint process.