3 min read

Made to Stick: Summary

Everything you need to know about Chip Heath's Made to Stick, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Made to Stick by Chip Heath in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Made to Stick by Chip Heath
Made to Stick is a book by Chip and Dan Heath that examines why some ideas become popular and memorable, while others don't. It explores the concept of "stickiness," which refers to the ability of an idea to be communicated effectively and remembered by its audience. The authors argue that certain qualities, such as simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotion, and stories, make an idea more likely to “stick” in people's minds. The book provides practical advice on how to create sticky messages, as well as numerous examples of successful campaigns.

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Made to Stick: Key Points

  1. Make ideas simple and understandable, using concrete language and vivid stories.
  2. Make ideas memorable by using unexpected elements, creating associations and utilizing emotion.
  3. Make ideas credible by using facts, examples, and expert testimony.
  4. Make ideas actionable by providing clear steps for implementation.
  5. Utilize the “Velcro Theory of Memory” which states that ideas are more likely to stick if they are composed of multiple components that can be easily remembered and associated with each other.
  6. Pay attention to the “Curse of Knowledge” which states that people often overestimate how much others know or understand about a topic
  7. Utilize the “Unexpected Test” which states that people remember unexpected things better than expected ones
  8. Focus on “principles over rules” so that people can apply general principles to specific situations rather than memorizing a set of rules

What to say about Made to Stick

  • "Made to Stick by Chip Heath helps us understand why certain ideas and messages are more successful than others."
  • "It provides concrete strategies to make our ideas more memorable and engaging."
  • "The book gives us an understanding of the importance of simplicity in communication, which is so essential in today's world."
  • "Chip Heath's use of vivid analogies makes it easy to comprehend the key concepts of Made to Stick."
  • "It teaches us how to create stories that can be easily understood and remembered long after they are heard or read."
  • "The insights into human behavior make it easier for us to craft messages that resonate with our target audience."
  • "Made to Stick offers a wealth of information about how to effectively communicate complex concepts in a simple manner."
  • "It highlights the importance of emotional resonance when creating persuasive messages."
  • "The book not only provides valuable guidance on how to create powerful messages, but also outlines how to spread them in a way that reaches the widest possible audience."
  • "Made to Stick is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to develop compelling and effective communication strategies."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Made to Stick

  • "Just finished reading Made to Stick by Chip Heath, and it gave me valuable insights into how to make my ideas more memorable and sticky! #madetostick #chipheath"
  • "If you're looking for a great read on communication and persuasion, check out Made to Stick by Chip Heath - it's a must-read for anyone serious about success!"
  • "I'm learning so much from 'Made to Stick' by Chip Heath - it's an invaluable resource in understanding how to communicate effectively with others. #chipheath"
  • "Discover the 6 principles of successful communication outlined in Chip Heath's book 'Made to Stick'. A must-read for anyone who wants their ideas to stick! #madetostick"
  • "I highly recommend picking up 'Made to Stick' by Chip Heath if you're looking for innovative ways to make your message stand out and get remembered!"

Top 5 Quotes from Made to Stick

  1. "The essence of simplicity is clarity."
  2. "People don't buy features, they buy stories."
  3. "We can best remember messages if they are unexpected, concrete, and credible."
  4. "Make sure your story is concrete by anchoring it in vivid details."
  5. "If you want people to remember something, make it unexpected and memorable."

Other books by Chip Heath

  • Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
  • Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard
  • The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact

Did you know?


Made to Stick was a New York Times Bestseller for over 100 weeks.