3 min read

Living Within Limits: Summary

Everything you need to know about Garrett Hardin's Living Within Limits, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Living Within Limits by Garrett Hardin in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Living Within Limits by Garrett Hardin
Living Within Limits by Garrett Hardin is a book that explores how to balance the needs of individuals with the needs of society. It argues that resources are finite and that if people don't live within their limits, they can cause harm to both themselves and others. Hardin examines the ethical implications of overconsumption, as well as how technology and population growth will impact our ability to sustain life on Earth. He also looks at the implications of our current economic systems, which are largely based on unlimited economic growth and consumption, and suggests new approaches to living within limits that could benefit all people.

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Living Within Limits: Key Points

  1. We live in a finite world with limited resources, and we must learn to live within our limits if we want to sustain human life.
  2. To live within our limits, we must understand the basic principles of ecology, including the interconnectedness of all living things and the need to manage resources responsibly.
  3. We must also recognize that population growth is a key factor in determining the amount of resources available for human use.
  4. We must take steps to reduce population growth, such as providing access to family planning services and promoting education about reproductive rights and responsibilities.
  5. We must also work to protect and restore ecosystems by reducing pollution and conserving natural resources.
  6. Finally, we must strive to create an equitable global economy that ensures everyone has access to essential resources while protecting the environment and ensuring social justice.

What to say about Living Within Limits

  • "Living Within Limits by Garrett Hardin is an insightful read that brings to light the need for us to prioritize resource conservation and sustainability."
  • "This book provides a clear explanation of why we must take immediate action to preserve our planet's resources before it's too late."
  • "Garrett Hardin's thought-provoking analysis of how our current consumption habits are unsustainable is both sobering and inspiring."
  • "Living Within Limits underscores the importance of individuals, businesses, and governments coming together to ensure the long-term sustainability of our planet."
  • "The book offers a stark reminder that without proactive management of our resources, future generations may face dire consequences due to our negligence."
  • "Living Within Limits provides valuable insight into the essential role that education can play in fostering sustainable development practices."
  • "This work emphasizes the importance of investing in renewable energy sources and reducing wasteful consumption now, rather than waiting for a crisis to hit before making changes."
  • "The book presents an eye-opening look at just how much damage we have caused to the environment through our irresponsible use of resources."
  • "Hardin's argument that living within limits is essential for sustaining life on Earth is both convincing and timely."
  • "Reading Living Within Limits has helped me better understand my own personal responsibility as a global citizen when it comes to preserving our planet's resources."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Living Within Limits

  • "Living Within Limits" by Garrett Hardin is a must-read for anyone looking to create sustainable solutions and live within the boundaries of our planet's resources. #sustainability #GarrettHardin
  • A powerful concept from Garrett Hardin's "Living Within Limits" is that individuals should be held accountable for their actions, and that we all have a responsibility to protect our planet. #responsibility #GarrettHardin
  • Garrett Hardin's "Living Within Limits" shows us that, in order to create a sustainable society, we must learn to live within the limits imposed by nature. #environmentalism #GarrettHardin
  • Struggling with how to make your lifestyle more environmentally friendly? Look no further than "Living Within Limits" by Garrett Hardin! #GreenLiving #GarrettHardin
  • If you're ready to challenge yourself and learn how to live within the limits of our planet's resources, pick up a copy of "Living Within Limits" by Garrett Hardin today! #conservation #GarrettHardin

Top 5 Quotes from Living Within Limits

  1. "The most important aspect of the population problem is not numbers, but the use of resources."
  2. "The tragedy of the commons is involved in every citizen's effort to control population growth."
  3. "We can no longer afford to act as if we were separate from nature and exempt from natural laws."
  4. "Technology is not the answer to our problems; it is part of the problem."
  5. "People must accept responsibility for their own actions, and be willing to make hard choices."

Other books by Garrett Hardin

  • The Ostrich Factor: Our Population Myopia
  • Exploring New Ethics for Survival
  • Prometheus: Foreseer of the Future
  • Filter Theory: A New and Simple Way to Look at the Complexities of Social Life
  • The Tragedy of the Commons
  • Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis in Modern Man
  • Filters Against Folly: How to Survive Despite Economists, Ecologists, and the Merely Eloquent
  • Nature and Man's Fate
  • Nature’s Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas
  • Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A Reader on Hunter-Gatherer Economics and the Environment
  • The Immigration Dilemma: Avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons

Did you know?


In Living Within Limits, Garrett Hardin argues that the population issue is a moral issue and that ethical decisions must be made to solve the problem. He also makes the case that population control is necessary to avoid disaster.