4 min read

If Harry Potter Ran General Electric: Summary

Everything you need to know about Tom Morris's If Harry Potter Ran General Electric, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying If Harry Potter Ran General Electric by Tom Morris in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying If Harry Potter Ran General Electric by Tom Morris
If Harry Potter Ran General Electric is a book by Tom Morris that examines how the principles of successful wizards from J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series can be applied to business success in the real world. The book offers an array of strategies and lessons on how to bring out excellence in any organization, particularly through the power of imagination, creativity, collaboration, and leadership. It also explores the importance of courage, integrity, and humility in achieving goals while cultivating a culture of respect, trust, and loyalty.

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If Harry Potter Ran General Electric: Key Points

  1. Imagination and Creativity: Harry Potter would bring a powerful imaginative and creative approach to General Electric. He would be able to see the potential in things that others may not, by combining various elements to create something new and innovative.
  2. Leadership Qualities: Harry Potter has some of the best leadership qualities in literature, which he could effectively use to manage the company. He would be able to inspire his employees to do their best, motivate them to reach their goals, and spur them on with his enthusiasm and commitment.
  3. Loyalty and Dedication: Harry Potter is nothing if not loyal, and he would bring this characteristic with him to GE. He would remain dedicated to the company and its mission, no matter what obstacles arise.
  4. Problem-Solving Skills: Harry Potter's problem-solving skills are second-to-none, as he is able to quickly assess a situation and come up with effective solutions that are both practical and innovative.
  5. Corporate Responsibility: Harry Potter is a firm believer in corporate responsibility, which he could use to ensure that General Electric remains one of the most respected companies in the world. He would strive for excellence in all areas of business, from customer service to environmental sustainability, in order to ensure that the company is doing its part for the greater good of society.

What to say about If Harry Potter Ran General Electric

  • "If Harry Potter Ran General Electric by Tom Morris is an inspiring read that emphasizes the importance of creative problem solving in a corporate setting."
  • "The book offers an insightful look into how Harry Potter's magic and wisdom can be applied to the world of business and management."
  • "Tom Morris does a great job of showing how Harry Potter's leadership style could be used to navigate through difficult times and create a successful business strategy."
  • "I found this book to be incredibly helpful in providing new ways to approach problems from a different angle."
  • "If Harry Potter Ran General Electric is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about innovative thinking and business strategy."
  • "This book offers valuable insights into how to lead with courage and creativity, which are essential for success in today's competitive market."
  • "The book provides an interesting perspective on how one could apply the principles of magic to the world of business."
  • "Tom Morris has done an amazing job of combining the imaginative fantasy of Harry Potter with the real-world strategies of running a large corporation such as GE."
  • "If Harry Potter Ran General Electric is an entertaining read that also provides useful knowledge that can be applied to everyday business practices."
  • "This book offers unique insights into how to successfully manage a large organization with imagination, courage, and creativity."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about If Harry Potter Ran General Electric

  • I just finished reading "If Harry Potter Ran General Electric" by Tom Morris and highly recommend it as an entertaining read with great insights into effective leadership! #HarryPotter #GeneralElectric #Leadership
  • In "If Harry Potter Ran General Electric", Tom Morris demonstrates the importance of turning adversity into opportunity to achieve organizational goals. #HarryPotter #GeneralElectric #Leadership
  • The lessons learned from "If Harry Potter Ran General Electric" by Tom Morris have the potential to transform any corporate culture! #HarryPotter #GeneralElectric #Leadership
  • Tom Morris' book "If Harry Potter Ran General Electric" is a must-read for anyone looking to gain insight on how to be a successful leader. #HarryPotter #GeneralElectric #Leadership
  • Take a lesson from "If Harry Potter Ran General Electric" by Tom Morris and learn how to turn any difficult situation into an opportunity for success! #HarryPotter #GeneralElectric #Leadership

Top 5 Quotes from If Harry Potter Ran General Electric

  1. "The most powerful magic of all is the ability to choose one's attitude in any given circumstance."
  2. "The greatest successes come not from the most brilliant ideas, but rather from those that are followed through to completion."
  3. "We must have the courage to venture into new realms, even if they may appear strange and unfamiliar at first."
  4. "Risk-taking is essential to growth, both as individuals and as organizations."
  5. "Leadership is about inspiring others to achieve great things, not about being a hero yourself."

Other books by Tom Morris

  • True Success: A New Philosophy of Excellence
  • The Art of Achievement: Make Your Life a Masterpiece
  • The Stoic Art of Living: Inner Resilience and Outer Results
  • The Good Life: A Guide to Creating Your Own Definition of Success
  • If Aristotle Ran General Motors: The New Soul of Business
  • Philosophy for Change: How to Think Differently and Make a Difference in Your Life and the World
  • The Happiness Quotient: Unlocking the Secrets to Lasting Joy and Fulfillment
  • Wisdom for Life: Timeless Thoughts on Living Well
  • Living With Purpose: Finding Joy and Meaning in Everyday Life
  • The Art of Fulfillment: Living with Passion, Purpose, and Joy

Did you know?


The book was the first to explain how Harry Potter's magical principles could be applied to the corporate world.