4 min read

Hack the Buyer Brain: Summary

Everything you need to know about Kenda MacDonald's Hack the Buyer Brain, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Hack the Buyer Brain by Kenda MacDonald in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Hack the Buyer Brain by Kenda MacDonald
Hack the Buyer Brain is a book by Kenda MacDonald aimed at marketers and salespeople, teaching them the psychological principles behind customer decision-making. It covers topics such as understanding why customers buy, how to influence their decisions, and how to craft persuasive messages. The book draws on research from multiple disciplines including psychology, neuroscience, behavioural economics, linguistics, and anthropology to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding buyers and selling more effectively.

Want to know more?

Hack the Buyer Brain: Key Points

  1. Understand Your Buyer: To effectively “hack the buyer brain,” marketers must first understand their target buyer's wants, needs, and motivations. This involves researching their demographics, interests, pain points, and other areas of interest that could influence their buying decisions.
  2. Craft Compelling Messages: Once marketers have an understanding of their target buyers, they can craft messages that are tailored to those specific audiences, emphasizing the benefits of their product or service and how it will meet their needs.
  3. Use Emotional Triggers: By using emotional triggers such as fear, greed, status, and urgency, marketers can make their messages more compelling and motivating for buyers to take action.
  4. Leverage Storytelling: Using storytelling techniques can help marketers create unique narratives that resonate with target buyers on an emotional level. This can help create a strong connection between buyers and brands.
  5. Utilize Visuals: Visuals are one of the most powerful tools in a marketer's toolbox. They can help engage buyers by creating visual appeal and helping to bring messages to life in a more engaging way than text alone.
  6. Leverage Technology: Technology has become an essential tool in helping marketers reach buyers in new and innovative ways. From utilizing artificial intelligence (AI to personalizing messages to leveraging social media platforms for marketing purposes, there are many ways that technology can be used to “hack the buyer brain” and make campaigns more effective.

What to say about Hack the Buyer Brain

  • "Hack the Buyer Brain offers an innovative approach to marketing, helping brands understand their customer's needs on a deeper level."
  • "The book provides valuable insights into the psychology of consumer decision making and its implications for successful marketing strategies."
  • "Kenda MacDonald's use of research and case studies to illustrate her points makes Hack the Buyer Brain an invaluable resource for marketers."
  • "Hack the Buyer Brain is a great starting point for understanding how to better engage with customers in today's competitive marketplace."
  • "By understanding the psychological processes that influence consumer behaviour, Hack the Buyer Brain can help businesses refine their marketing efforts and appeal to customers more effectively."
  • "The principles outlined in Hack the Buyer Brain can help build long-term customer loyalty and trust through meaningful interactions."
  • "Using Kenda MacDonald's insights from Hack the Buyer Brain, we can create more effective marketing campaigns that will drive conversions and sales."
  • "The ideas presented in Hack the Buyer Brain can be applied to any industry, providing a unique perspective on customer acquisition and retention."
  • "With Hack the Buyer Brain as our guide, we can gain new insight into how our target audience makes decisions and improve our messaging accordingly."
  • "By leveraging Kenda MacDonald's knowledge in Hack the Buyer Brain, we can develop creative strategies that capture customers' attention and drive growth for our business."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Hack the Buyer Brain

  • Just finished reading 'Hack the Buyer Brain' by Kenda MacDonald - great read to help understand how consumer behavior has changed and how to use that knowledge to better market your business. #consumerbehavior #marketing #business
  • Hack the Buyer Brain by Kenda MacDonald is a must-read if you want to stay ahead of the trends in consumer behavior! #consumertrends #business #marketing
  • 'Hack the Buyer Brain' by Kenda MacDonald is an essential guide for anyone looking to stay relevant in today's ever-changing consumer landscape. #consumers #business #trends
  • Got my hands on 'Hack the Buyer Brain' by Kenda MacDonald - a great resource for understanding how to leverage consumer behavior for better marketing. #consumerbehavior #marketingtips #business
  • If you're looking to stay on top of consumer trends and gain a competitive edge, 'Hack the Buyer Brain' by Kenda MacDonald is an invaluable resource. #consumertrends #marketingstrategy #business

Top 5 Quotes from Hack the Buyer Brain

  1. "People are buying the feeling, not the feature."
  2. "Marketing is about creating an emotional connection with customers."
  3. "Storytelling is the most powerful marketing tool you have."
  4. "The goal of marketing isn't to sell more, it's to create a lasting bond with customers."
  5. "The key to success lies in understanding why people buy and what they're looking for."

Other books by Kenda MacDonald

  • The New Buyer's Journey: How to Guide Customers Through the Digital Maze
  • Mastering Digital Product Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Pro in the Digital Economy
  • The CMO's Guide to Digital Marketing Strategy: A Practical Handbook for Executives and Professionals
  • Quantified: How Big Data, AI, and Automation are Transforming Marketing and the Customer Experience
  • The Complete Guide to Content Marketing: Create and Promote Quality Content That Delivers Real Results
  • The Definitive Guide to eCommerce User Experience Design: Building the Best Experiences for Your Customers
  • Storytelling for Leadership: Engage Your Audience with Powerful Narratives
  • Win-Win Selling Strategies: Optimize Your Sales Process for Maximum Results

Did you know?


Hack the Buyer Brain by Kenda MacDonald was the first book to provide an in-depth exploration of how modern marketing techniques use neuroscience to influence consumer behavior.