3 min read

Girl, Wash Your Face: Summary

Everything you need to know about Rachel Hollis's Girl, Wash Your Face, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
Girl, Wash Your Face is a book by Rachel Hollis that encourages readers to challenge the lies they have been told and to take control of their lives. It provides practical advice on how to stop self-sabotaging behaviors, how to make better decisions, how to find joy in everyday life, how to be productive, and how to let go of perfectionism. In addition, the book offers honest and inspiring stories from the author’s own journey, helping readers recognize their own potential and move towards positive change.

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Girl, Wash Your Face: Key Points

  1. Embrace Your Flaws: Don’t try to be something you’re not or live up to an ideal that doesn’t exist. Accept yourself as you are and work with what you’ve got.
  2. Believe in Yourself: Believe that you are capable of achieving your goals and dreams, no matter how difficult it may seem. It starts with believing in yourself and your own potential.
  3. Make a Plan and Take Action: Making a plan gives you something to work towards, but it’s the action steps that will get you there. Break down your goals into smaller tasks that are easier to accomplish and make sure to take consistent action every day.
  4. Set Healthy Boundaries: Learn to say “no” without guilt or hesitation when something doesn’t align with your values or priorities. Make sure your time is being spent on the things that really matter to you.
  5. Redefine Success: Don’t get caught up in trying to define success according to someone else’s standards; redefine it for yourself in terms of what truly matters to you and makes you happy.
  6. Let Go of the Past: Forgive yourself for past mistakes and move on from them. The past has passed, so don’t let it hold you back from living the life you want today.

What to say about Girl, Wash Your Face

  • "Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis is an inspiring and uplifting read for anyone looking for motivation and guidance in their life."
  • "The book offers honest advice about how to make changes in our lives, no matter how small. It's a great tool for self-reflection and growth."
  • "I was really inspired by the stories of resilience and determination throughout Girl, Wash Your Face - it's a must-read!"
  • "Rachel Hollis provides valuable insight into the importance of learning to love oneself and taking control of one's life."
  • "Girl, Wash Your Face is both entertaining and thought-provoking - I highly recommend it!"
  • "This book offers practical advice on how to overcome challenges in life, as well as tips for living a more balanced life."
  • "Rachel Hollis writes in an authentic and relatable way that encourages readers to take action in their own lives."
  • "Girl, Wash Your Face is filled with inspiring stories of people who achieved success despite the odds - it's truly motivational!"
  • "The book provides an honest look at the reality of striving to achieve one's goals while managing everyday life stressors."
  • "Reading Girl, Wash Your Face has helped me focus on developing my own self-confidence and setting achievable goals - I can't recommend it enough!"

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Girl, Wash Your Face

  • I just finished reading #GirlWashYourFace by Rachel Hollis and it's filled with empowering advice to help break free from lies we tell ourselves and make our goals a reality. Highly recommend!
  • Looking for a little motivation to get you out of your comfort zone? Check out #GirlWashYourFace by Rachel Hollis - it has great tips on how to take control of your life and achieve success.
  • Get ready to make some major changes in your life! #GirlWashYourFace by Rachel Hollis is full of inspiring stories and practical advice on how to break free from self-doubt and live life on your own terms.
  • It’s time to start believing in yourself! Pick up #GirlWashYourFace by Rachel Hollis for invaluable advice on taking action and achieving your dreams.
  • If you need a confidence boost, then read #GirlWashYourFace by Rachel Hollis! It’s full of uplifting messages and inspiring quotes to help you make positive changes in your life.

Top 5 Quotes from Girl, Wash Your Face

  1. "It's only after you've stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform."
  2. "You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you cannot have both."
  3. "No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all."
  4. "The thing that is going to make the biggest difference in your life is simply deciding that you're not going to live like this anymore."
  5. "You have what it takes to be a successful, happy adult. All it takes is some hard work and faith in yourself."

Other books by Rachel Hollis

  • Girl, Stop Apologizing
  • The Mom Shift
  • Get Out of Your Own Way
  • Didn't See That Coming
  • Girl, Unfiltered
  • Girl, Find Your Fire

Did you know?


Girl, Wash Your Face was a New York Times Bestseller for over six months.