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Getting to Yes: Summary

Everything you need to know about Roger Fisher's Getting to Yes, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher
Getting to Yes is a book by Roger Fisher that focuses on negotiation strategies. It argues that the key to successful negotiations is to separate the people from the problem, focus on interests, not positions, generate a variety of options before deciding on one, and insist that the results be based on some objective standard. It emphasizes the importance of communication and cooperation in order to reach mutually beneficial agreements.

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Getting to Yes: Key Points

  1. Separate the people from the problem - Focus on interests, not positions. Try to understand the underlying interests of each party and negotiate around those interests instead of focusing only on surface-level positions.
  2. Invent options for mutual gain - Brainstorm creative solutions that both parties may be able to agree upon and benefit from.
  3. Insist on using objective criteria - Avoid relying purely on subjective criteria such as likability when making decisions. Instead, try to use objective criteria that both parties can agree upon.
  4. Know your BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement - Before you enter into negotiations, make sure you have a plan in place in case the negotiation fails. Knowing your BATNA will help you make more informed decisions during the negotiation process.
  5. Be prepared to compromise - Going into negotiations with a win-win attitude will help both parties reach an agreement faster and easier than if one of them is trying to get all of their demands met at the expense of the other party.

What to say about Getting to Yes

  • "Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher is an insightful book that lays out powerful strategies for successful negotiation."
  • "The book provides valuable advice on how to reach effective agreements while maintaining good relationships between negotiating parties."
  • "The key concept of 'principled negotiation' outlines a process that is both practical and ethical in approach."
  • "Getting to Yes focuses on how to effectively communicate and break through barriers to reach mutually beneficial outcomes."
  • "The techniques outlined in the book are applicable in any kind of negotiation situation, from business deals to family disputes."
  • "Roger Fisher's approach encourages collaboration and understanding between parties, rather than relying on positional bargaining tactics."
  • "Getting to Yes offers a comprehensive set of guidelines for how to handle difficult conversations and come out with positive results."
  • "The book provides invaluable insight on how to manage emotions during negotiations and avoid destructive behaviours or attitudes."
  • "Fisher's methodologies provide tools for dealing with conflicts that create win-win solutions that are satisfactory for everyone involved."
  • "Getting to Yes is an essential toolkit for anyone looking to become more effective at negotiating in both their personal and professional lives."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Getting to Yes

  • "Just finished reading Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher, it was an eye-opening and enlightening experience on building effective negotiation strategies! #GettingtoYes #NegotiationStrategies"
  • "Getting to Yes is an essential read for anyone interested in learning the best practices of successful negotiation and conflict resolution. #GettingtoYes #ConflictResolution"
  • "Having the right negotiation skills can be critical for business success, and Getting to Yes is a great source of knowledge and advice! #GettingtoYes #BusinessSuccess"
  • "The key to achieving agreements is understanding the interests of those involved - the main principle detailed in the book Getting to Yes. #GettingtoYes #Agreements"
  • "Roger Fisher's book Getting to Yes is a must-read for any professional who wants to understand how to reach mutually beneficial agreement with others. #GettingtoYes #MutuallyBeneficialAgreements"

Top 5 Quotes from Getting to Yes

  1. "The essence of negotiation is to get what you want without having to give up what you think is important."
  2. "You cannot be sure of succeeding in your negotiations unless you can live with the results."
  3. "People don't resist change; they resist being changed."
  4. "Separate the people from the problem."
  5. "Search for mutual gains whenever possible, and insist that a deal be based on some reasonable standards of fairness."

Other books by Roger Fisher

  • Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate
  • Making Conflict Work: Harnessing the Power of Disagreement
  • Planning a Negotiation Strategy
  • The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World
  • Beyond Machiavelli: Tools for Coping with Conflict
  • Getting Together: Building Relationships as We Negotiate
  • Working Out a Just Peace
  • Negotiation Analysis: The Science and Art of Collaborative Decision Making

Did you know?


The book has sold more than 5 million copies and has been translated into over 25 languages.