3 min read

Getting Things Done: Summary

Everything you need to know about David Allen's Getting Things Done, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Getting Things Done by David Allen in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Getting Things Done by David Allen
Getting Things Done by David Allen is a productivity guide that provides a system for staying organized and managing tasks. It outlines five stages: capture, clarify, organize, reflect, and engage. The capture step involves gathering all of one’s tasks into an external system like a to-do list; the clarify step involves breaking down tasks into smaller chunks; the organize step involves sorting tasks into categories; the reflect step is about creating a plan for completing each task; and the engage step is about actually doing the task. The book also offers additional tips for keeping organized and managing time more efficiently.

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Getting Things Done: Key Points

  1. Clarify: Clearly define the purpose, outcome and next actions for every task and project. Break down tasks into actionable steps that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART.
  2. Collect: Create a central repository to capture any thought, idea or goal in your life. This includes everything from emails, to-do lists, notes, etc.
  3. Process: Evaluate each item in your collection of ideas and determine if it is actionable or not. If it is actionable, decide what the next step should be and organize it in the appropriate place.
  4. Organize: Place all of your actionable items into projects or categories so that you can easily identify what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by.
  5. Review: Take time regularly to review your system and ensure that everything is up-to-date and that no items have slipped through the cracks.
  6. Do: Take action on the items identified during your review process and follow through with them until completion.

What to say about Getting Things Done

  • "Getting Things Done by David Allen is an effective way to learn how to prioritize tasks and increase productivity."
  • "The system of Getting Things Done helps to keep one organized and on track with their goals."
  • "I'm confident that implementing the principles of Getting Things Done will help our team better manage our workloads."
  • "It's inspiring to see how much can be accomplished when one follows the guidelines outlined in Getting Things Done."
  • "I believe that the approach of Getting Things Done could be very beneficial for our organization."
  • "David Allen's system of Getting Things Done provides a framework for breaking down projects into manageable pieces and managing time more efficiently."
  • "Adopting the philosophy of Getting Things Done has enabled me to stay focused on the most important tasks at hand."
  • "I've found that following the principles outlined in Getting Things Done has allowed me to become more productive in less time."
  • "Getting Things Done gives us an effective way to identify what needs to be done, and when it needs to be completed."
  • "The approach of Getting Things Done has been instrumental in helping me reach my goals in a timely manner."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Getting Things Done

  • Did you know that Getting Things Done by David Allen is a great way to increase productivity and organization? I'm so thankful for the advice it has given me for staying on top of my tasks. #GettingThingsDone #Productivity
  • I'm currently reading Getting Things Done by David Allen, and it's revolutionizing how I manage my time and projects. Highly recommend this book for anyone looking to increase their efficiency! #GettingThingsDone #TimeManagement
  • Have you read Getting Things Done by David Allen? It's an incredible resource for staying organized and managing your tasks effectively. Check it out if you're looking to get more out of your day! #GettingThingsDone #Organization
  • Just finished reading Getting Things Done by David Allen - it's truly a must-read for anyone wanting to get more done in less time. Highly recommend! #GettingThingsDone #TimeManagement
  • Get ready to take your productivity to the next level with Getting Things Done by David Allen! Pick up a copy today and start getting more done! #GettingThingsDone #Productivity

Top 5 Quotes from Getting Things Done

  1. "You can do anything, but not everything."
  2. "The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."
  3. "The power of productivity is in your ability to focus on one thing at a time."
  4. "The best way to get something done is to begin."
  5. "Clarity is power."

Other books by David Allen

  • Making It All Work
  • Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life
  • The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
  • Getting Things Done (the Art of Stress-Free Productivity
  • Creating Flow with OmniFocus
  • Making it All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and Business of Life
  • Getting Results the Agile Way: A Personal Results System for Work and Life

Did you know?


David Allen's best-selling book, Getting Things Done, has been translated into more than 28 languages.