3 min read

Free: Summary

Everything you need to know about Chris Anderson's Free, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Free by Chris Anderson in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Free by Chris Anderson
Free is a book about how the Internet and technology have changed the way we do business, in particular by allowing companies to offer products or services for free or very little cost. Anderson looks at how businesses can use free products to attract customers, increase their customer base, and make money from advertising or other sources. He also explores how companies can use free services to create loyalty, build relationships with customers, and as an effective marketing tool.

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Free: Key Points

  1. Free is an opportunity to increase the reach of products and services, allowing businesses to gain new customers and markets.
  2. Anderson outlines the three economic models of free: ad-supported (where users get a service or product without cost but have to view ads, freemium (where a basic version of the product/service is given away for free but more advanced features require payment and open source (collaborative projects where anyone can contribute code.
  3. Free has become an important business strategy for many companies, especially in the digital age, as the cost of distribution is almost zero.
  4. Companies adopting free strategies need to look at their cost structure carefully and be aware of the risks associated with giving away content for free.
  5. Anderson also explains how free can be used to create value in other ways, such as creating loyalty, encouraging word-of-mouth marketing, and building relationships with customers.
  6. Finally, Anderson emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs first when considering a free strategy, as this will ensure that any free offering is tailored towards customer needs and wants.

What to say about Free

  • "Free by Chris Anderson offers a unique perspective on the possibilities of the free market economy."
  • "The book provides an interesting analysis of how the concept of 'free' has changed in the digital age."
  • "Free is a thought-provoking look at how businesses can navigate the changing landscape of free products and services."
  • "Free is an insightful look at the impact of technology on traditional business models and consumer behavior."
  • "Chris Anderson's discussion of the implications of free markets for the future is particularly fascinating."
  • "The book's examination of open source software and other novel business models is invaluable for anyone interested in staying ahead of the curve."
  • "Anderson's meticulous research and analysis helps to paint a comprehensive picture of how free markets are impacting today's economic environment."
  • "The way Anderson combines historical examples with present-day scenarios makes it easy to appreciate the relevance of his argument."
  • "Free provides a great deal of food for thought about how contemporary companies can remain viable in an increasingly competitive marketplace."
  • "Anderson's exploration of how technology has altered our notions of value is especially engaging and relevant."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Free

  • Just finished reading "Free" by Chris Anderson and it's an eye opener! Highly recommend it for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of the current economic landscape. #freemoney #businessadvice
  • A great read for any business leader is Chris Anderson's "Free". It delves into the power of free products and services and how they can be leveraged to drive success. #freeconomics #businesssuccess
  • I just read "Free" by Chris Anderson and it has completely changed my perspective on how to run a successful business. Don't miss out on this one! #freemarketing #entrepreneurinspiration
  • If you're looking for an insightful read on how to make money without charging customers, then look no further than Chris Anderson's book "Free". An absolute must-read! #freerevolution #businessstrategy
  • Just finished reading "Free" by Chris Anderson and was blown away by the ideas presented in this book! Highly recommend it for anyone looking to supercharge their business success. #freedelivery #entrepeneurship

Top 5 Quotes from Free

  1. "Freedom unleashes the power of innovation, and innovation drives economic growth."
  2. "The economy of free is the most powerful engine for prosperity the world has ever seen."
  3. "Free can be a way to build a successful business and an even better society."
  4. "Free can make us more connected, more productive, and more fulfilled."
  5. "All of our lives are enriched when we choose to give away what we know and share what we have."

Other books by Chris Anderson

  • The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More
  • Makers: The New Industrial Revolution
  • The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future
  • Click: What Millions of People Are Doing Online and Why It Matters
  • New Rules for the New Economy: 10 Radical Strategies for a Connected World

Did you know?


Free by Chris Anderson was the first book to be published under a Creative Commons license, allowing readers to freely share the contents of the book.