4 min read

Eat That Frog!: Summary

Everything you need to know about Brian Tracy's Eat That Frog!, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy
Eat That Frog! is a book written by Brian Tracy that encourages readers to take on their biggest and most difficult tasks first each day. The idea is that if you tackle the most important tasks first, you will free up the rest of the day to work on smaller, less important tasks. This method also helps with time management and reduces procrastination. The book provides tips on how to prioritize tasks, break down big projects into small manageable chunks, and manage distractions. Additionally, it provides advice on developing a positive attitude and maintaining motivation levels throughout the day.

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Eat That Frog!: Key Points

  1. Set Priorities: Focus on the most important tasks first, and plan your day around these tasks. This will help you get more done in less time.
  2. Get Started: Don’t wait until you feel inspired or motivated to start a task, just jump in and get it done.
  3. Work in Blocks of Time: Break down large tasks into smaller chunks of time and focus on one task at a time without allowing yourself to be distracted.
  4. Develop Self-Discipline: Overcome procrastination and perfectionism by developing self-discipline and focusing on the outcome rather than the process.
  5. Take Short Breaks: Plan regular breaks throughout the day to give your mind a rest, but don’t let them become longer than necessary.
  6. Learn to Say No: Don’t take on too much, learn to say no when necessary so that you can focus on the important tasks at hand.
  7. Solve Problems Quickly: Identify problems quickly and find solutions quickly so that you don’t waste too much time worrying about them.
  8. Develop Good Habits: Replace bad habits with good ones so that you can work more efficiently and effectively in the long run.

What to say about Eat That Frog!

  • "Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy is a great read for anyone looking to take control of their goals and productivity."
  • "I really appreciate how Eat That Frog! provides practical strategies and tips to help people stay focused and motivated on their objectives."
  • "The concept of 'eating the frog' first thing in the morning can be incredibly powerful when it comes to staying on track with our goals."
  • "After reading Eat That Frog!, I am more conscious of my time management and have found myself more productive as a result."
  • "This book speaks to anyone wanting to establish goals and take actionable steps towards achieving them."
  • "I'm impressed by how Eat That Frog! offers a realistic approach to time management that can easily be implemented into our daily routine."
  • "The book's insight into procrastination is particularly helpful, as it provides a way to overcome this all too common problem."
  • "The encouragement provided in Eat That Frog! is truly inspiring and helps remind us why we are working so hard in the first place."
  • "The idea of breaking large tasks down into smaller ones is something that I'm trying to incorporate into my own workflow after reading this book."
  • "Overall, I think Eat That Frog! is an excellent resource for anyone looking to increase their productivity and achieve greater success in their work life."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Eat That Frog!

  • Just finished reading Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy - an inspiring and motivating read full of practical tips to help you become more productive and achieve success. #Productivity #Success #EatThatFrog
  • If you want to get more done in less time, check out Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy - a great book filled with actionable advice and strategies for achieving your goals. #TimeManagement #Goals #EatThatFrog
  • Got my hands on Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy - the ultimate guide to getting started with improving your productivity and taking control of your day. Highly recommended! #Motivation #ProductivityTips #EatThatFrog
  • Transform your life and reach success by mastering the art of productivity with Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy - this book is an invaluable source of knowledge for anyone looking to get ahead in their career. #CareerAdvice #SuccessStrategies #EatThatFrog
  • Overwhelmed by life's tasks? Check out Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy for an easy-to-follow roadmap for tackling them one at a time and conquering your goals. #OrganizationSkills #GoalSetting #EatThatFrog

Top 5 Quotes from Eat That Frog!

  1. "If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first."
  2. "The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear."
  3. "Take action on your biggest and most important task first thing in the morning."
  4. "You cannot eat an elephant all at once, but you can do it one bite at a time."
  5. "What you don't do today will come back to haunt you tomorrow and for the rest of your life."

Other books by Brian Tracy

  • The Power of Self-Discipline: Achieve Your Goals and Change Your Life
  • No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline
  • Time Power: A Proven System for Getting More Done in Less Time Than You Ever Thought Possible
  • Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed
  • Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want--Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
  • Eat that Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
  • The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible
  • Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income
  • The Science of Self-Confidence: You Can Have an Extraordinary Life
  • Advanced Selling Strategies: The Proven System of Sales Ideas, Methods, and Techniques Used by Top Salespeople Everywhere

Did you know?


Eat That Frog! is based on the old proverb “If the first thing you do each morning is eat a live frog, nothing worse can happen for the rest of the day!”