3 min read

Drive: Summary

Everything you need to know about Daniel H. Pink's Drive, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Drive by Daniel H. Pink in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Drive by Daniel H. Pink
Drive by Daniel H. Pink is a book that argues that the traditional "carrot and stick" approach to motivation is outdated, and that intrinsic motivation, or being motivated by a sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose, is far more effective in achieving success. Through research-based evidence, Pink demonstrates how organizations and individuals can create an environment that encourages intrinsic motivation and offers practical advice for managers looking to foster a culture of growth and innovation.

Want to know more?

Drive: Key Points

  1. Autonomy: There is a need for individuals to have autonomy over their own lives, including decisions about how and when to work.
  2. Mastery: People should strive to continually improve their skills and abilities, and recognize their accomplishments with meaningful rewards.
  3. Purpose: Work should be meaningful and rewarding, providing individuals with a sense of purpose outside of their own personal gain.
  4. The concept of “flow”: Engaging in activities that challenge the individual while still providing a sense of control and success can lead to increased productivity and satisfaction.
  5. Intrinsic motivation: People perform best when they are motivated by internal factors such as enjoyment and personal growth, rather than external rewards or punishments.
  6. Collaboration: Teamwork is essential for successful innovation, as it allows individuals to learn from each other and build off of each other's ideas.
  7. Technology: Technology can be used to facilitate collaboration, increase autonomy, and provide real-time feedback on performance.

What to say about Drive

  • "Drive by Daniel H. Pink is a thought-provoking exploration of the science and history behind motivation."
  • "Pink's research on intrinsic motivation offers a compelling case for why autonomy, mastery, and purpose are essential elements for any successful organization."
  • "I was impressed by the way Drive provides insight into topics like behavioral economics and game theory which can be applied to solve business problems."
  • "Drive is an excellent resource for managers looking to understand how to motivate their teams in a more effective way."
  • "The book demonstrates that in order for individuals to truly be engaged and productive, incentives must be meaningful and rewarding."
  • "Through his insightful analysis, Pink shows that creating an environment of trust, respect, and creativity is key to achieving success."
  • "Drive offers a powerful reminder that when people are provided with the right incentives they can become extraordinary performers."
  • "The book made me realize that organizational cultures should be built around intrinsic rewards rather than external ones."
  • "Pink's work offers practical advice on how organizations can create positive reinforcement systems that lead to improved performance."
  • "Drive provides an invaluable resource for managers looking to create an environment where employees feel empowered to take initiative and innovate."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Drive

  • Check out this amazing book 'Drive' by Daniel H. Pink which dives deep into the science of motivation and provides an incredible perspective on how to make work meaningful! #Drive #DanielPink #Motivation
  • Just finished reading 'Drive' by Daniel H. Pink, a must-read book for anyone interested in understanding the science of motivation and what drives us to be successful! #Drive #DanielPink #Motivation
  • I'm taking my career to the next level with 'Drive' by Daniel H. Pink; it's an essential read for any professional looking to understand how to use motivation effectively! #Drive #DanielPink #Motivation
  • Get motivated with 'Drive' by Daniel H. Pink - it's an insightful read that will help you unlock your potential and achieve success! #Drive #DanielPink #Motivation
  • Dive deep into the science of motivation with 'Drive' by Daniel H. Pink - a book that provides invaluable insight into what it takes to succeed! #Drive #DanielPink #Motivation

Top 5 Quotes from Drive

  1. "The secret to high performance and satisfaction—at work, at school, and at home—is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world."
  2. "Motivation is not the stuff of lofty musings. It's the essential ingredient that moves us from thought to action, from possibility to realization."
  3. "Control leads to compliance; autonomy leads to engagement."
  4. "The most important task in motivating others is not to find the right incentive but to build the right relationship."
  5. "The problem with carrots and sticks is that they can work in the short term but they often reduce both creativity and long-term productivity."

Other books by Daniel H. Pink

  • When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
  • To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others
  • A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future
  • The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need
  • Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself
  • The Puzzle of Motivation
  • A Brief History of Disbelief
  • The Little Book of Talent: 52 Tips for Improving Your Skills

Did you know?


Drive is the #1 New York Times bestseller that has been translated into 35 languages.