3 min read

Do the Work: Summary

Everything you need to know about Steven Pressfield's Do the Work, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Do the Work by Steven Pressfield in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
Do the Work by Steven Pressfield is a book about overcoming resistance, the mental blocks that prevent us from achieving our goals. It encourages readers to take action and focus on the task at hand, instead of worrying about the outcome or what others might think. The book also provides practical advice on how to stay motivated and how to manage procrastination, fear and self-doubt. It emphasizes that success comes from doing the work, not just thinking or talking about it.

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Do the Work: Key Points

  1. Resistance is the enemy of success, and it will always be present when attempting to achieve goals.
  2. To overcome Resistance, one must develop a strong willpower and cultivate a warrior's mindset.
  3. Take action immediately and focus on completing small tasks one at a time.
  4. Learn to recognize fear, doubt, and procrastination as signs of Resistance, and use them as motivation to keep going.
  5. Make sure that your goals are aligned with your values and passions.
  6. Believe in yourself and trust that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
  7. Stay focused on the end goal and don’t allow distractions or negative thoughts to deter you from success.

What to say about Do the Work

  • "Do the Work by Steven Pressfield is a great resource for reframing our approach to achieving success."
  • "Steven Pressfield's Do the Work offers insights into how to overcome fear and resistance in order to achieve our goals."
  • "Do the Work helps us get out of our own way and break through barriers to realize our ambitions."
  • "The practical advice offered in Do the Work provides an effective roadmap towards progress."
  • "Do the Work is a must-read for anyone serious about taking action and making things happen."
  • "The ideas presented in Do the Work are valuable reminders of how to stay focused on our objectives."
  • "Steven Pressfield's Do the Work is an excellent tool for developing discipline and focus necessary for success."
  • "Do the Work provides an insightful look into how we can remain motivated and productive when faced with obstacles."
  • "By taking the lessons from Do The Work, we can better equip ourselves with strategies to overcome any challenges that arise."
  • "Do The Work is an essential read for anyone looking to make meaningful and lasting changes in their lives."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Do the Work

  • "Do the Work by Steven Pressfield is a must-read book for anyone looking to push boundaries and reach their potential. A great read with timeless advice."
  • "I recently read Do the Work by Steven Pressfield, and it's deeply inspiring! It's filled with so many valuable lessons on how to succeed as a professional."
  • "Are you struggling to stay motivated? Check out Do the Work by Steven Pressfield - it'll equip you with the tools you need to make real progress."
  • "Do the Work by Steven Pressfield is an invaluable resource for achieving success in any field or profession. Highly recommend!"
  • "If you're looking for practical advice on how to overcome creative blocks and reach your goals, Do the Work by Steven Pressfield is a must-read!"

Top 5 Quotes from Do the Work

  1. "The most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting down every day and trying."
  2. "Motivation is crap. Lose it. Just do the work."
  3. "What really matters is not what we want to do, but what we feel we have to do."
  4. "You get a feeling sometimes that the Gods are standing over you saying, 'Do this or else.'"
  5. "Fear doesn't serve us; it actually holds us back from doing our best work."

Other books by Steven Pressfield

  • The War of Art
  • The Legend of Bagger Vance
  • Gates of Fire
  • Tides of War
  • Last of the Amazons
  • The Virtues of War
  • Killing Rommel
  • The Afghan Campaign
  • The Profession
  • Turning Pro

Did you know?


Do the Work is the first book in a five-part series on creativity and productivity.