3 min read

Difficult Customer- No Stress: Summary

Everything you need to know about Keith H. Maitland's Difficult Customer- No Stress, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Difficult Customer- No Stress by Keith H. Maitland in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Difficult Customer- No Stress by Keith H. Maitland
Difficult Customer- No Stress by Keith H. Maitland provides tips and strategies for managing interactions with difficult customers. It covers the different types of difficult customers, helping readers to identify the type of customer they are dealing with and how best to manage their interactions. It also offers advice on how to stay calm in difficult situations, how to handle difficult conversations, and how to defuse conflict. The focus is on creating a customer-centric approach that will enable readers to build relationships with even the most challenging customers.

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Difficult Customer- No Stress: Key Points

  1. Understand the customer's needs: Before responding to a difficult customer, it is important to take a moment to understand their needs and the source of their frustration. Ask questions and listen carefully to gain an understanding of the situation.
  2. Stay calm: It is important to remain calm even when dealing with difficult customers. Keep your body language positive, speak slowly, and maintain eye contact. This will help the customer feel heard and respected.
  3. Speak positively: Use positive language when communicating with the customer. Avoid using negative words or phrases that could escalate the situation further. Instead, focus on problem-solving and finding a solution that is mutually beneficial.
  4. Think before you speak: Take a few moments before responding to a difficult customer to think through what you want to say and how you want to say it. This will help ensure your words are chosen carefully and that your response is appropriate for the situation.
  5. Seek resolution: Always focus on finding a resolution for the customer's issue rather than getting caught up in assigning blame or pointing fingers. Aim to resolve the issue as quickly as possible by offering solutions and alternatives that meet their needs.

What to say about Difficult Customer- No Stress

  • "Difficult Customer- No Stress by Keith H. Maitland is an informative and practical guide to dealing with difficult customers in a calm and professional manner."
  • "This book provides realistic strategies for managing customer interactions during tense situations, allowing for more successful outcomes."
  • "The book outlines actionable techniques for maintaining composure and professionalism when faced with a challenging customer."
  • "The advice in Difficult Customer- No Stress is applicable to customer service professionals of all levels, from novice to veteran."
  • "The insights provided in this book are invaluable in developing a positive attitude toward difficult customers and improving customer relations overall."
  • "This book provides an essential understanding of customer behavior that is necessary to effectively handle difficult conversations."
  • "The strategies outlined in this book help create better customer relationships by fostering a sense of understanding and respect on both sides."
  • "It's important to have the right tools and knowledge when it comes to dealing with difficult customers, and Difficult Customer- No Stress can provide both."
  • "This book offers useful tips for handling difficult customer conversations, reducing stress levels, and achieving desirable outcomes."
  • "The guidance in Difficult Customer- No Stress is invaluable for any business that deals with challenging customers on a regular basis."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Difficult Customer- No Stress

  • Just finished reading Keith H. Maitland's "Difficult Customer- No Stress" and can't recommend it enough for anyone dealing with difficult customers on a regular basis! #customerservice #difficultcustomers
  • A must-read for anyone in customer service: "Difficult Customer- No Stress" by Keith H. Maitland. Learn how to handle difficult customers without getting overwhelmed. #customerservice #difficultcustomers
  • Check out "Difficult Customer- No Stress" by Keith H. Maitland - an invaluable guide to staying calm and collected when dealing with difficult customers! #customerservice #difficultcustomers
  • Don't let difficult customers get the best of you - take charge with tips from Keith H. Maitland's "Difficult Customer- No Stress"! #customerservice #difficultcustomers
  • Stay cool, calm, and collected when dealing with difficult customers - pick up a copy of "Difficult Customer- No Stress" by Keith H. Maitland today! #customerservice #difficultcustomers

Top 5 Quotes from Difficult Customer- No Stress

  1. “The customer is not always right, but they do deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.”
  2. “Dealing with difficult customers can be a stressful experience, but with the right approach it can also be rewarding.”
  3. “It’s important to remember that no matter how difficult a customer might seem, they still have feelings and need to be treated as such.”
  4. “The key to handling difficult customers is patience, understanding and communication.”
  5. “Your job is not to judge the customer for their behavior or attitude, it’s to provide them with the best possible service.”

Other books by Keith H. Maitland

  • The Art of Negotiating and Dealing with Difficult Customers
  • The Complete Guide to Customer Service Training
  • The Manager's Guide to Effective Customer Relationships
  • The Roadmap to Excellent Customer Service
  • Delivering Exceptional Customer Service
  • The Seven Rules of Exceptional Customer Service
  • How to Win at Winning Customers: Strategies for the 21st Century
  • The Six Pillars of Outstanding Customer Service
  • Building a Culture of Quality Customer Service
  • Unlock Your Potential: Achieving Excellence in Customer Service
  • The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Effective Communication Skills

Did you know?


This book was originally published in 1989 and has been updated for the modern reader to include new strategies for dealing with difficult customers.