3 min read

Delivering Happiness: Summary

Everything you need to know about Tony Hsieh's Delivering Happiness, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh provides readers with insights into how to create a culture of happiness in their businesses and personal lives. He argues that creating a successful business is not only about making money, but also about creating a customer-focused culture that encourages employees to feel valued and respected. He outlines key strategies for creating a culture of happiness, including offering exceptional customer service, focusing on company culture, and building a sense of community. In addition, the book offers practical advice for entrepreneurs on how to use technology, such as social media and analytics, to improve customer service and build loyalty. Ultimately, Delivering Happiness is an inspirational guide for entrepreneurs looking to transform their business into an emotionally rewarding experience for both customers and employees alike.

Want to know more?

Delivering Happiness: Key Points

  1. Put Customer Happiness First: Focus on customer engagement and satisfaction above all else. Develop a culture that values customer service and care, and always strive to exceed customers’ expectations.
  2. Build a Culture of Open Communication: Create open lines of communication between all levels of an organization, allowing ideas to flow freely and be heard.
  3. Foster a Sense of Belonging: Create an inclusive environment where every team member feels valued and respected. Encourage collaboration, creativity, and innovation.
  4. Foster a Growth Mindset: Focus on continuous learning and professional growth for all employees. Provide mentorship opportunities and create a culture of experimentation and risk-taking.
  5. Embrace Technology: Leverage technology to increase efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Utilize data-driven insights to drive decision-making in the business.
  6. Find Meaning in Work: Identify the purpose behind your organization's mission, then set goals that will help fulfill that purpose. Encourage employees to find meaning in their work by connecting with the impact they are making on customers’ lives and the world at large.

What to say about Delivering Happiness

  • "Delivering Happiness is an inspiring read for anyone looking to bring business success and a sense of purpose to their work."
  • "Tony Hsieh's approach to leading Zappos has been incredibly successful, and Delivering Happiness provides valuable insight into his unique philosophy."
  • "The book is an excellent resource for learning how to create an engaged and motivated team that produces great results."
  • "Delivering Happiness offers many practical tools for creating a customer-centric organizational culture that puts people first."
  • "I was particularly impressed by Tony Hsieh's focus on creating a company culture that brings joy to both employees and customers."
  • "The book is a must-read for any leader looking to build a thriving organization with long-term success."
  • "Delivering Happiness provides great advice on how to foster strong relationships between employees, customers, and partners."
  • "The book is filled with inspiring stories and ideas for creating a positive work environment that drives growth and innovation."
  • "Tony Hsieh's insights into creating a passionate customer experience are invaluable for entrepreneurs looking to build an enduring business."
  • "Delivering Happiness is an essential guidebook for leaders who want to make their businesses more meaningful and successful."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Delivering Happiness

  • "At work, it's easy to forget the importance of happiness in the workplace. Tony Hsieh shares how to create a happier environment with his book Delivering Happiness. #DeliveringHappiness #HappyWorkplace #TonyHsieh"
  • "Great news! I just finished reading Tony Hsieh's book, Delivering Happiness, and I'm inspired to make changes in my workplace to foster more joy and contentment. #DeliveringHappiness #HappyWorkplace #TonyHsieh"
  • "The core message in Tony Hsieh's book, Delivering Happiness, is that when employees are happy, customers are happy too. Check it out for tips on creating a culture of joy at your workplace! #DeliveringHappiness #HappyWorkplace #TonyHsieh"
  • "Attention business owners and managers: Have you read Tony Hsieh's Delivering Happiness yet? It's full of useful strategies for bringing more happiness into the workplace. #DeliveringHappiness #HappyWorkplace #TonyHsieh"
  • "It's easy to prioritize profits over people, but Tony Hsieh reminds us that workplace satisfaction should always come first! Read his book Delivering Happiness for more inspiring insights. #DeliveringHappiness #HappyWorkplace #TonyHsieh"

Top 5 Quotes from Delivering Happiness

  1. "Happiness is really just about four things: perceived control, perceived progress, connectedness (number of relationships, and vision/meaning."
  2. "If you get the culture right, most of the other stuff—like delivering great customer service or building a great long-term brand—will just happen naturally on its own."
  3. "The goal isn’t just to make money; it’s to make money while creating value for the world."
  4. "Business is no longer just about profit—it’s also about purpose."
  5. “When we focus on creating happiness for other people, the ripple effect spreads outward and creates more happiness for ourselves in return.”

Other books by Tony Hsieh

  • The Playbook: A Guide to the Winning Tactics and Strategies of the World's Greatest Companies
  • Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose
  • Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth

Did you know?


Delivering Happiness was a New York Times Bestseller for over 30 consecutive weeks in 2010.