3 min read

Damn Right: Summary

Everything you need to know about Janet Lowe's Damn Right, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Damn Right by Janet Lowe in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Damn Right by Janet Lowe
In her book Damn Right: Behind the Scenes With Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger, Janet Lowe explores the life and career of the business leader, focusing on his core principles that have enabled him to become a billionaire. Lowe dives into how Munger's innovative approach to investing, blended with his unique perspective on life and work, has enabled him to become one of the most successful and influential investors in modern history. She also provides readers with an inside look at Berkshire Hathaway, the company he co-founded with Warren Buffett, and explores how Munger's leadership style has helped shape its success.

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Damn Right: Key Points

  1. Take responsibility for your own success. Don't rely on luck or other external factors to bring you success - it's up to you to make things happen.
  2. Find the courage and confidence to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. Believe in yourself even if no one else does, and be willing to take chances that could potentially lead you to greater success.
  3. Network and build relationships with influential people in your industry. These relationships can open doors that would otherwise be closed and give you access to opportunities that could further your career.
  4. Develop strong communication and leadership skills. Learn how to effectively sell yourself and your ideas, as well as how to motivate others and work as part of a team.
  5. Stay focused on the big picture and remain motivated by setting clear goals for yourself. Break these goals down into smaller, achievable tasks, which will help keep you on track toward achieving success.

What to say about Damn Right

  • "Damn Right is a powerful and insightful book that offers invaluable insights into the world of investing and finance."
  • "I found Janet Lowe's approach to the subject refreshing and her writing to be both accessible and inspiring."
  • "The chapters are well-structured, making it easy to read and understand even complex topics."
  • "It is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about financial markets, whether they are a novice or an experienced investor."
  • "Lowe has done an excellent job of explaining the principles of investing in simple, easy-to-follow language."
  • "I highly recommend Damn Right to anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of investing and finance."
  • "The book is packed with helpful tips and advice that could prove invaluable when it comes to making successful investments."
  • "Janet Lowe does an excellent job of breaking down the complexities surrounding investment and finance into digestible chunks that are easy to understand."
  • "The book provides readers with an accessible introduction to the world of investing, as well as offering guidance on how to become a successful investor."
  • "Damn Right is an essential guide for anyone hoping to gain a better understanding of financial markets and how to make smarter decisions when it comes to investing."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Damn Right

  • I'm loving the content in Janet Lowe's book, Damn Right: Behind The Scenes With Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger - an inspiring read for any aspiring entrepreneur!
  • Just finished reading Damn Right by Janet Lowe and it was an eye-opening experience into the world of investing! Highly recommend.
  • Fascinated by the insight of Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger? Check out Janet Lowe's book, Damn Right, to learn more about his thoughts on investing and life!
  • A must-read for any finance enthusiast! Janet Lowe's book, Damn Right, provides a unique perspective on the life and success of Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger.
  • Get inspired with the timeless wisdom from one of the most successful investors of our time - check out Janet Lowe's book, Damn Right!

Top 5 Quotes from Damn Right

  1. "Investing isn't like a game where you have to beat the other players. It's more like a game of chess, where the goal is to think several moves ahead of your opponent."
  2. "No matter how much money you have, it can be lost in an instant if you don't make wise decisions about how to manage it."
  3. "The key to successful investing is not simply buying stocks and hoping for the best; it's also making sure that you understand the risks associated with your investments and how to protect yourself from them."
  4. "Successful investing requires knowledge and discipline, and above all else, patience."
  5. "The most important thing you need to know as an investor is that there are no guarantees—you must be prepared to accept losses as well as gains."

Other books by Janet Lowe

  • The Investor's Anthology: Classic Writings by Great Stock-Pickers and Legends of Wall Street
  • Value Investing Made Easy: Benjamin Graham's Classic Investment Strategy Explained for Everyone
  • The Voice of Value: Investing Wisdom from the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett
  • Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon
  • Warren Buffett Speaks: Wit and Wisdom from the World's Greatest Investor

Did you know?


Damn Right by Janet Lowe is the first book to have ever been written about Warren Buffet and his investment strategies.