3 min read

Corporate Zombies: Summary

Everything you need to know about Y-Photography's Corporate Zombies, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Corporate Zombies by Y-Photography in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Corporate Zombies by Y-Photography
Corporate Zombies by Y-Photography is an examination of the modern workplace, exploring how corporate culture can strip away our individuality and create a 'zombified' state of being. It looks at the various ways in which employees are made to feel powerless and controlled, while also examining the impact this has on their mental health and wellbeing. It offers practical advice on how to reclaim autonomy and creativity within the workplace, helping readers to build healthier work relationships and remain true to themselves.

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Corporate Zombies: Key Points

  1. Corporate Zombies explores the concept of corporate culture and its effects on individuals working within it.
  2. It highlights how corporate environments can strip away individual identity, creativity and autonomy, leaving workers feeling like “zombies” unable to make decisions or express themselves.
  3. The project also looks at how the corporate environment can be oppressive and restrictive for those working within it, as well as the physical and mental health impacts of working in such an environment.
  4. Corporate Zombies focuses on the ways in which we can break out of the corporate zombie state, reclaim our individual identities and find creative expression in our work.
  5. Y-Photography offers a range of creative solutions to help us break free from corporate culture and regain control over our lives and our careers.

What to say about Corporate Zombies

  • "Y-Photography's Corporate Zombies is a cleverly crafted piece of art that speaks volumes about the modern corporate environment."
  • "The vibrant color palette and clever use of lighting in Y-Photography's Corporate Zombies really brings the subject to life."
  • "I'm impressed by how Corporate Zombies by Y-Photography captures the essence of the corporate world with an artistic eye."
  • "The composition of Y-Photography's Corporate Zombies offers an intriguing perspective on the business world."
  • "The intricate details of Y-Photography's Corporate Zombies make it stand out from other works of art on the same subject."
  • "The juxtaposition of humor and seriousness in Y-Photography's Corporate Zombies is quite powerful."
  • "I find Corporate Zombies by Y-Photography thought-provoking, as it makes us reconsider our own relationship to the corporate world."
  • "Y-Photography's Corporate Zombies offers a unique take on modern business culture that can be appreciated on many levels."
  • "Corporate Zombies by Y-Photography is a great example of how contemporary art can explore complex themes in an accessible way."
  • "Y-Photography's Corporate Zombies is a masterful representation of how corporate life can seem like a living nightmare at times."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Corporate Zombies

  • Check out this incredible series of corporate zombie photos by Y-Photography - they capture the modern office life perfectly! #CorporateZombies
  • Incredible artwork from Y-Photography – their take on corporate zombies captures the modern office life in a unique way. #CorporateZombies
  • The Corporate Zombies series of photos by Y-Photography is a must-see for any professional – it captures the monotony of office life so well! #CorporateZombies
  • Unbelievable photography by Y-Photography that captures the mundanity of the modern office life through their Corporate Zombies series. #CorporateZombies
  • If you want to see what office life is really like, check out this incredible Corporate Zombie series from Y-Photography! #CorporateZombies

Top 5 Quotes from Corporate Zombies

  1. "The corporate zombies have taken over and are thriving in their cubicles."
  2. "You don't have to be a corporate zombie to succeed, but you do have to think like one."
  3. "We all have the capacity to become corporate zombies, but it's our choice whether or not we want to."
  4. "Corporate zombies are just people doing what they're told without questioning why or how."
  5. "Success is not defined by becoming a corporate zombie, it's defined by finding your own path."

Other books by Y-Photography

  • A Guide to Professional Photography: Tips and Techniques for Taking Amazing Photos
  • The Ultimate Guide to Digital Photography: Learn How to Turn Your Pictures into Professional-Looking Images
  • Mastering the Art of Digital Photography: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
  • The Art of Landscape Photography: A Complete Guide for Beginners and Professionals
  • Street Photography 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Capturing the Moment
  • The Art of Food Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots
  • Macro Photography 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Capturing Tiny Worlds
  • Architectural Photography 101: An Introduction to Capturing Buildings and Structures

Did you know?


Corporate Zombies by Y-Photography is an internationally acclaimed photography series that has been exhibited in over 10 countries worldwide.