4 min read

Can't Hurt Me: Summary

Everything you need to know about David Goggins's Can't Hurt Me, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins
Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins is an inspirational memoir about the author's remarkable journey from a troubled childhood full of poverty and abuse to becoming a successful Navy SEAL, ultramarathoner, and world-record holder in various physical challenges. Through intense mental and physical training, Goggins overcame immense obstacles and used his determination and grit to overcome any challenge that life threw at him. The book is a powerful testament to human potential and perseverance that will motivate readers to push themselves beyond their limits.

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Can't Hurt Me: Key Points

  1. Accepting and embracing discomfort is essential to success: Goggins emphasizes that pain, suffering, and discomfort are unavoidable obstacles in life that must be embraced and used as fuel for personal growth and development. He encourages readers to push themselves beyond their limits, unleash their inner strength, and make the most of whatever situation they are in.
  2. Adopt a no-excuses mentality: Goggins encourages readers to adopt a “no excuses” approach to life; his philosophy is that anything is achievable if you put in the hard work and never give up. He believes that excuses are obstacles created by the mind, and should be avoided at all costs.
  3. Learn to take control of your thoughts and emotions: Goggins teaches readers how to take control of their own thoughts, feelings, and emotions in order to reach their goals. He encourages them to think positively and use visualization techniques to stay focused on their aspirations.
  4. Embrace failure: Goggins emphasizes that failure is inevitable when attempting something difficult or new; he believes that it is important not to view failure as a sign of weakness but rather as an opportunity to grow and learn from one's mistakes.
  5. Foster self-discipline: According to Goggins, self-discipline is critical for achieving success; he encourages readers to develop a strong sense of discipline by setting clear goals, staying organized, and avoiding procrastination.

What to say about Can't Hurt Me

  • "Can't Hurt Me is an inspiring read that taught me the importance of mental toughness and resilience in achieving success."
  • "David Goggins' story in Can't Hurt Me is a powerful reminder that we can overcome any obstacle if we have the right mindset and determination."
  • "Can't Hurt Me was an eye-opening experience for me; it showed me how to push through my own limitations and reach my full potential."
  • "I found Can't Hurt Me to be a great source of motivation - it helped me stay focused on my goals despite any adversity I faced."
  • "Can't Hurt Me was such an inspiring book; it taught me that anything is possible if you have the courage to take risks and never give up."
  • "I am grateful to have read Can't Hurt Me; it provided me with insight into how to be more successful by developing a 'never quit' attitude."
  • "Reading Can't Hurt Me has been a life-changing experience for me; it gave me the tools to look at any challenge from a different perspective and find solutions I never knew were possible."
  • "David Goggins' story in Can't Hurt Me was incredibly powerful; it showed me how to stay motivated even in difficult times and reach my goals no matter what stands in the way."
  • "I highly recommend Can't Hurt Me for anyone looking for motivation - David Goggins' story of resilience will inspire you to do whatever it takes to succeed."
  • "Can't Hurt Me is an incredible journey of self-discovery; it taught me the power of perseverance and how to turn any challenge into an opportunity for growth."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Can't Hurt Me

  • Just finished reading Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins. A powerful reminder of the importance of pushing beyond our perceived limits and believing in ourselves! #growthmindset #cantHurtMe
  • So inspired after reading Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins! A must-read for anyone looking to unlock their inner potential and achieve their goals. #motivation #cantHurtMe
  • An incredible read - Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins has changed my perspective on personal growth and resilience! #bebrave #cantHurtMe
  • Unbelievable stories from a remarkable life - Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins is a must-read for anyone looking to push past their comfort zone and reach new heights! #pushyourlimits #cantHurtMe
  • Highly recommend Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins - an eye-opening book that will challenge your beliefs and help you reach your highest potential! #challengeyourself #cantHurtMe

Top 5 Quotes from Can't Hurt Me

  1. "You must want it as much as you want to breathe."
  2. "When you want success as much as you wanted air, then you'll get it."
  3. "The only person who can stop you is yourself."
  4. "Willpower is the most powerful force on earth."
  5. "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever."

Other books by David Goggins

  • The Eye of the Tiger: How to Develop Mental Toughness, Find Your Purpose and Live a Fulfilling Life
  • Always Forward: How One Navy SEAL's Unconventional Leadership Changed the Course of History
  • Living with a Seal: 31 Days Training with the Toughest Man on the Planet
  • David Goggins' Guide to Mental Toughness: Step-by-Step Strategies to Build Your Mental Strength and Resilience
  • Take Action! A Guide to Making Positive Changes in Your Life
  • David Goggins' Guide to Physical Fitness: The Ultimate Handbook for Achieving Peak Performance

Did you know?


The book was a New York Times Best Seller and the audio version was voiced by the author himself.