3 min read

Blink: Summary

Everything you need to know about Malcolm Gladwell's Blink, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Blink by Malcolm Gladwell in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
Blink is a book about the power of first impressions, and how snap judgments can often be more accurate than those arrived at through long and drawn-out analysis. Through a series of case studies, Malcolm Gladwell explores the idea that our unconscious mind is capable of making wise decisions with minimal effort and information. He emphasizes the importance of trusting our instincts and recognizing when to rely on them for decision-making, rather than attempting to overthink a situation.

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Blink: Key Points

  1. Blink is the power of thinking without thinking, relying on instinct and intuition instead of conscious analysis. It allows us to make rapid decisions with confidence, even when we don’t have all the facts.
  2. Our unconscious mind is capable of processing vast amounts of information in an instant, and can help us quickly identify patterns and make judgments more accurately than our conscious mind.
  3. We must be careful not to rely too heavily on blink thinking, as it can lead to snap judgments based on stereotyping or prejudice.
  4. To avoid these pitfalls, we must take time to reflect upon our decisions and consider them in the context of the larger situation.
  5. Culture plays an important role in how we make decisions, and understanding different cultural perspectives can help us to make better decisions that are informed by the values and norms of those around us.

What to say about Blink

  • Blink is an interesting read that really highlights the power of snap judgments.
  • Malcolm Gladwell offers a compelling argument for how our instincts can be a valuable asset when making decisions.
  • Blink provides an insightful look at the psychology behind decision-making in an unconventional way.
  • The book dives deep into the subconscious and shows us how we can use it to our benefit.
  • Gladwell artfully paints a picture of the inner workings of our brains, with Blink as an example of how we can draw on our intuition in unexpected ways.
  • Reading Blink has given me a greater appreciation for the science behind our snap judgments and how they shape our lives.
  • While Blink may not provide definitive answers, it does offer us a unique perspective on how we make decisions and why we should trust them more often than not.
  • I found Blink to be thought-provoking, and it certainly opened my eyes to how much power resides in the seemingly insignificant moments of life where we make decisions without thinking about it too much.
  • Through Blink, Malcolm Gladwell highlights the importance of trusting your gut, and reminds us that sometimes all it takes is a split-second to make a decision that could have lasting implications.
  • Gladwell's writing style makes it easy to become absorbed in his ideas and theories, which makes Blink an enjoyable and enlightening read.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Blink

  • Malcolm Gladwell's Blink explores the power of making decisions in the moment, and how it can be a valuable tool in the workplace. #Blink #MalcolmGladwell #DecisionMaking
  • The idea of "thinking without thinking" can be both positive and negative depending on the context. Read Blink to gain a new perspective! #Blink #MalcolmGladwell #Thinking
  • Discover how snap judgements can be beneficial and detrimental with Malcolm Gladwell's Blink! #Blink #MalcolmGladwell #Judgement
  • Blink by Malcolm Gladwell is an interesting read that encompasses psychology, sociology, and decision-making - essential for any professional looking to expand their horizons! #Blink #MalcolmGladwell #Psychology
  • Blink dives deep into what drives our first impressions, and how we can use them to our advantage. Get your copy today! #Blink #MalcolmGladwell #Impressions

Top 5 Quotes from Blink

  1. "The key to good decision making is not knowledge. It is understanding."
  2. "We are so caught up in the myths of the best and the brightest that we think success is a matter of credentials, when often it's simply a matter of recognizing opportunity."
  3. "We can't seem to make up our minds unless we've got reams of data and all the time in the world to analyze it."
  4. "The power of snap judgments lies not in their accuracy but in their incomprehensibility: They come too fast for us to be able to interrogate them."
  5. "When we focus too much on getting the right answer, rather than the right question, we leave ourselves open to error and bias."

Other books by Malcolm Gladwell

  • The Power of Thinking Without Thinking.
  • Outliers: The Story of Success
  • David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
  • What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures
  • Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About the People We Don't Know
  • The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
  • Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted
  • The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success
  • Outliers in Law: Stories of Successful Canadian Lawyers

Did you know?


Malcolm Gladwell's Blink is based on the concept of "thin-slicing," which is the ability to make judgments from limited information.