3 min read

Big Magic: Summary

Everything you need to know about Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Big Magic is a book about creativity and the courage it takes to create. It encourages readers to follow their passions, take risks and make mistakes, as these are all part of the creative process. The book is divided into sections that focus on ideas such as creativity being a mysterious force, how to overcome fear and failure, and how to nurture your creativity. It also offers advice on how to make time for creative pursuits, even when life gets in the way.

Want to know more?

Big Magic: Key Points

  1. Embrace creativity and allow yourself to explore your creative passions without fear or judgement.
  2. Let go of expectations and pressure in order to enjoy the creative process and find inspiration.
  3. Don’t be afraid of failure, but use it as a learning experience that can help you grow as an artist.
  4. Take risks and be open to the unexpected, even if it leads you down an unfamiliar path.
  5. Stay true to your own vision and don’t compare yourself to others, as each person has their own unique creative style.
  6. Believe in yourself and trust in the power of imagination and inspiration.
  7. Practice self-care and gratitude to ensure that you stay motivated throughout your creative journey.

What to say about Big Magic

  • "Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert was an eye-opening read that has given me a new perspective on how to tackle creative challenges."
  • "Big Magic has been wonderfully illuminating, in terms of understanding how to embrace and develop my own creativity."
  • "The insights found within Big Magic have helped me gain the confidence to take risks and explore new ideas."
  • "The lessons in Big Magic have enabled me to look at problems from a different angle and devise creative solutions."
  • "Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic has been an inspirational read in terms of helping me break out of my comfort zone and approach tasks with a fresh outlook."
  • "Big Magic has given me the courage to take chances and trust my instincts when approaching difficult projects."
  • "The lessons I've learned from Big Magic have allowed me to think outside the box and come up with dynamic solutions."
  • "Big Magic has provided me with invaluable insight into the world of creativity and how to harness it effectively."
  • "Reading Big Magic has been highly beneficial in terms of learning how to make the most of my creative potential."
  • "Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic has been an invaluable resource for understanding the importance of having an open mind when tackling challenging tasks."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Big Magic

  • I'm so excited to be reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert! It's a must-read for anyone looking to make their creative dreams a reality. #BigMagic #CreativeDreams #ElizabethGilbert
  • Just finished reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, and it was truly inspiring. Such an incredible reminder to let your creativity flow and take risks! #BigMagic #Creativity #RiskTaking
  • An empowering message from Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert: "Your creativity is not a finite resource." So inspiring - you can make all the ideas in your head come to life! #BigMagic #CreativityIslimitless
  • Looking for some motivation? Pick up Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert - it's an amazing source of inspiration that encourages readers to pursue their passions fearlessly. #BigMagic #Inspiration #Fearlessness
  • Just started reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert - it's a powerful reminder of the power of creativity and why we should embrace our unique gifts. Highly recommend it! #BigMagic #UniqueGifts

Top 5 Quotes from Big Magic

  1. “Be brave. Without bravery, you will never know the world as richly as it longs to be known.”
  2. “Your creativity is a secret garden that will blossom when tended with devotion and care.”
  3. “Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”
  4. “You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings.”
  5. “Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred. What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all. We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits. We are terrified, and we are brave."

Other books by Elizabeth Gilbert

  • The Signature of All Things
  • Eat Pray Love
  • Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage
  • Stern Men
  • The Last American Man
  • Pilgrims
  • Cousinhood

Did you know?


Big Magic is the only non-fiction book written by Elizabeth Gilbert.