3 min read

Becoming: Summary

Everything you need to know about Michelle Obama's Becoming, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Becoming by Michelle Obama in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Becoming by Michelle Obama
In her autobiography, Michelle Obama recounts her personal journey from childhood to the White House. Growing up on the South Side of Chicago, she faced challenges early in life, but was able to overcome them and attend Princeton University and Harvard Law School. From there, she worked as a lawyer and executive at a major corporation before becoming First Lady of the United States. In Becoming, Michelle shares stories about her family, relationships, and career successes, as well as her struggles with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. She also reflects on her time in the White House, offering insight into what it was like to deal with the pressures of public life. Ultimately, Becoming is an inspirational story of resilience and hard work - a reminder that anything is possible if you are willing to work for it.

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Becoming: Key Points

  1. Michelle Obama shares her personal journey in Becoming, which includes her childhood, education, career, marriage to Barack Obama, and time as First Lady of the United States.
  2. She discusses the importance of having a strong support system, including family and friends.
  3. She emphasizes the power of resilience and encourages readers to pursue their dreams despite obstacles they may face.
  4. She highlights topics such as racism, sexism, and inequality while also discussing the times when she felt challenged by unfair treatment or criticism.
  5. She offers advice on how to build meaningful relationships with others and how to find joy in everyday life.
  6. Finally, she emphasizes the importance of making an impact on the world through service and action.

What to say about Becoming

  • Becoming by Michelle Obama is a truly inspirational book that provides an intimate look into the life of one of the most powerful women in the world.
  • The insightful and candid reflections in Becoming provide readers with an invaluable insight into the mind of a leader.
  • I was deeply moved by the personal journey Michelle Obama takes us on throughout Becoming, and found it to be extremely enlightening.
  • Becoming is a must-read for anyone interested in learning more about the journey of a successful woman and how she overcame obstacles to achieve her goals.
  • The detailed accounts of Michelle Obama's triumphs and tribulations in Becoming are incredibly inspiring and will surely motivate others to strive for greatness.
  • As I read Becoming, I was struck by the courage and resilience that Michelle Obama demonstrates throughout her story.
  • Becoming has become a beacon of hope for women everywhere, as it encourages us all to recognize our strengths and pursue our dreams with confidence.
  • The honest and heartfelt narrative in Becoming makes it an incredibly moving read that resonates with readers from all walks of life.
  • Michelle Obama's remarkable story in Becoming serves as an important reminder that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and never give up.
  • One of the most powerful aspects of Becoming is its ability to show us how we can use our own unique experiences to make a positive impact on society.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Becoming

  • Becoming by Michelle Obama is a must-read for those looking to gain insight into the inspiring journey of our former First Lady. #inspiration #womenempowerment
  • As I read Becoming by Michelle Obama, I'm reminded that anything is possible with hard work and dedication! #motivation #goals
  • If you're looking for an inspiring read this weekend, pick up Becoming by Michelle Obama! #bookrecommendation #womensupportingwomen
  • Becoming by Michelle Obama is an amazing book that shines light on the beautiful complexities of life and relationships. Highly recommended! #lifejourney #resilience
  • Just finished reading Becoming by Michelle Obama - her story of strength and resilience is one of my favorite reads of the year! #strength#determination

Top 5 Quotes from Becoming

  1. "Failure is a feeling long before it becomes an actual result."
  2. "I learned that my accomplishments could be much bigger than my fears."
  3. "I don't believe in dumbing myself down, ever."
  4. "We can all do better when we support each other and lift each other up."
  5. "Success isn’t about how much money you make; it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives."

Other books by Michelle Obama

  • American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America
  • Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters
  • The World Needs More Purple People

Did you know?


In the first 24 hours after its release, Becoming became the best-selling book of 2018 and sold more than 725,000 copies.