3 min read

Bad Science: Summary

Everything you need to know about Ben Goldacre's Bad Science, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Bad Science by Ben Goldacre in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Bad Science by Ben Goldacre
Bad Science by Ben Goldacre is a book that examines the culture of scientific misinformation, with particular focus on how bad science is perpetuated by the media, pharmaceutical companies and other vested interests. The book examines various cases in which scientific evidence has been misinterpreted or misused to support claims of health and medical benefits, as well as the ways in which this bad science affects public policy and the overall quality of healthcare.

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Bad Science: Key Points

  1. Bad Science is any kind of science that is misleading, exaggerated, or biased.
  2. Bad Science can come from a variety of sources, such as media sensationalism, inadequate research methods, and industry-funded studies.
  3. The consequences of Bad Science can be far-reaching and damaging in the areas of public health, medicine, consumer products, and environmental protection.
  4. To avoid falling prey to Bad Science, it is important to look for evidence that supports claims, assess the credibility of sources, and recognize when a source may have an agenda.
  5. People should also be aware of their own biases and strive to remain objective when considering scientific information.

What to say about Bad Science

  • Bad Science is a fascinating exploration into the often-misunderstood world of scientific studies and their implications.
  • Ben Goldacre's writing style is engaging and thought-provoking, making it a great read for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of science and its implications.
  • Bad Science is an important book for anyone who wants to be better informed about the scientific studies that affect our everyday lives.
  • It demonstrates how to think critically about the information presented in scientific studies and how to separate fact from fiction.
  • By highlighting some of the more dubious aspects of the medical research industry, Bad Science provides an invaluable service in helping us make informed decisions about our health and wellbeing.
  • The book is an excellent source of information on the various issues surrounding scientific research, such as conflicts of interest and publication bias.
  • It also provides insight into how we can become better advocates for evidence-based decision-making both in our own lives and in public policy debates.
  • Bad Science is a must-read for anyone interested in developing a more critical eye when it comes to evaluating scientific claims or media reports about them.
  • It serves as an invaluable resource for researchers, healthcare professionals, policy makers and anyone else who needs to make decisions based on sound scientific evidence.
  • Bad Science is an essential read for anyone looking to have an informed opinion on science-related topics or decisions in their everyday life.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Bad Science

  • I just finished reading Bad Science by Ben Goldacre - it was an eye-opening look at the way we approach scientific studies and their results. Highly recommend to anyone interested in understanding science better! #BadScience
  • After reading Bad Science, I'm even more committed to making sure scientific studies are conducted with integrity and accuracy. It's a must-read for those of us who rely on science for our work! #DataIntegrity
  • Ben Goldacre's Bad Science is an absolute must-read for anyone interested in understanding the importance of evidence-based information. A great reminder that we should always question our sources! #EvidenceBasedResearch
  • If you're looking to get a better handle on how we interpret scientific studies, check out Bad Science by Ben Goldacre. It's full of insight and thought-provoking analysis - definitely worth a read! #ScienceInterpretation
  • Just started Bad Science by Ben Goldacre - it's already opened my eyes to how unreliable some sources can be when it comes to science. A great resource for anyone who wants to be better informed about the subject! #ScientificSources

Top 5 Quotes from Bad Science

  1. "The treatment of evidence in medicine is often so poor that it's barely even wrong."
  2. "Too much of medicine is guesswork, folklore and superstition masquerading as science."
  3. "We need to be able to distinguish the signal from the noise."
  4. "There is no honest way to describe most of the drug trials that have been done in the last thirty years other than 'a mess'."
  5. "Knowledge isn't just facts and figures; it's how to think about them properly."

Other books by Ben Goldacre

  • I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That
  • What Every Parent Needs to Know
  • Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients
  • The Garden of Unearthly Delights: Science, Health & the End of Normal
  • Making Sense of Statistics

Did you know?


In Bad Science, Ben Goldacre argues that the media often misrepresents scientific research and that this can lead to the public being misinformed.