3 min read

10% Happier: Summary

Everything you need to know about Dan Harris's 10% Happier, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying 10% Happier by Dan Harris in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying 10% Happier by Dan Harris
10% Happier by Dan Harris is a book that offers practical advice on how to find a happier and calmer life. The author, a news anchor, initially struggled with meditation and self-help until he realized its benefits. He shares his story as well as tips for dealing with anxiety, stress, and negative thoughts. He argues that mindfulness is the key to living a more fulfilling life and offers strategies for incorporating it into busy lives. He also emphasizes the importance of cultivating gratitude, kindness, and connecting with others while exploring different approaches to spiritual practice.

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10% Happier: Key Points

  1. Meditation is the key to greater inner peace and contentment. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, increase focus, and cultivate self-awareness.
  2. Mindfulness is the practice of being aware and present in the moment. It helps us observe our thoughts without judgment, allowing us to experience life as it is without getting wrapped up in our thoughts and emotions.
  3. The 10% Happier program consists of four main steps: learning about meditation, understanding how to practice it, developing a daily meditation habit, and maintaining that habit over time.
  4. A regular meditation practice can help you become more mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and behavior so you can make conscious choices that are in line with your values and goals.
  5. It’s important to remember that meditation is not a magic bullet; it requires dedication and consistency in order to see results.
  6. Finally, 10% Happier encourages readers to take ownership of their own lives by embracing responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

What to say about 10% Happier

  • "10% Happier by Dan Harris is an incredibly insightful book that has helped me to better manage my stress levels and become a more productive employee."
  • "I found 10% Happier to be a valuable read, with its helpful strategies on how to deal with anxiety in order to lead a happier life."
  • "The techniques outlined in 10% Happier have been really useful in dealing with difficult situations in the workplace."
  • "I highly recommend 10% Happier by Dan Harris as an excellent resource for anyone wanting to gain control over their emotions."
  • "Dan Harris's 10% Happier provides practical advice on how to improve your mental wellbeing and focus on the present moment."
  • "Reading 10% Happier has given me a new perspective on the power of mindfulness and how it can help us stay calm and productive in challenging situations."
  • "The lessons from 10% Happier have enabled me to better handle stress and be more mindful when making decisions at work."
  • "After reading 10% Happier, I now understand the importance of taking a step back from stressful situations, allowing me to make wiser choices during times of pressure."
  • "10% Happier is an inspiring book that offers invaluable insight into how we can use meditation and mindfulness for a more positive outlook on life."
  • "I've seen great improvement in my attitude towards work since reading 10% Happier - it has definitely had a positive impact on my productivity."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about 10% Happier

  • I'm taking my career to the next level and learning from 10% Happier by Dan Harris! It's helping me approach life with a healthier perspective. #10percenthappier
  • I'm loving how 10% Happier by Dan Harris is helping me stay focused on tasks and increase my productivity. #10percenthappier
  • With 10% Happier by Dan Harris, I'm learning to give myself more grace in difficult situations. #10percenthappier
  • I'm building better relationships with 10% Happier by Dan Harris! It's giving me the tools to understand others better and create healthier connections. #10percenthappier
  • With 10% Happier by Dan Harris, I've been able to take control of my emotions and make more mindful decisions. #10percenthappier

Top 5 Quotes from 10% Happier

  1. "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."
  2. "Meditation is a super-power that anyone can cultivate."
  3. "Suffering arises from wanting things to be different than they are."
  4. "Happiness doesn't always make us better people, but it does make life easier."
  5. "When we change our mind, we change our experience of the world."

Other books by Dan Harris

  • Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-To Book
  • The Little Book of Mindfulness: 10 minutes a day to less stress, more peace
  • Making Peace with God: A Guide to Spiritual Healing and Transformation
  • The Happiness Trap Pocketbook: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living

Did you know?


10% Happier was the first self-help book to become a #1 New York Times Best Seller in the "Advice & Misc" category.